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Leadership Masterclass

You can tell great leadership by how far the leader is willing to go to Build his Men

Ugochukwu Omeogu

About Event

  • A Masterclass not for the faint of heart!
  • 3 full days of energy, learning, recovery, transformation, challenging the status quo, and self-reinvention. 
  • This 3 days Masterclass – themed “Journey to a Million Dollar Earner in MLM”- was specially organized for the “Maximum Impact Team” of Max International led by Crown Diamond and Wealthinaire Mentee Anne Turnbull.
  • The Masterclass was specially designed to deliver advanced recruitment mastery starting from the foundation-mental detoxification- to the understanding and application of the laws of wealth creation, Principles of Networking & Relationship Building, and World Class team-building strategies for global relevance.
  • It was an MLM Masterclass delivered as never before seen in the Industry!

Are you a Team Leader or Company C-level Executive trying to improve your team result this year?

Book a Specialized Masterclass For Your Team

What Attendees are saying

Want to learn the secrets to a Million Dollar earner in Network Marketing?

Join the Masterclass

About Organiser

This 3 days Masterclass – themed “Journey to a Million Dollar Earner in MLM”- was specially organized for the “Maximum Impact Team” of Max International led by Crown Diamond and Wealthinaire Mentee Anne Turnbull.

The Masterclass was specially designed to deliver advanced recruitment mastery starting from the foundation-mental detoxification- to the understanding and application of the laws of wealth creation, Principles of Networking & Relationship Building, and World Class team-building strategies for global relevance.

It was an MLM Masterclass delivered as never before seen in the Industry!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is this Bespoke Team Masterclass About?

This event is a special team training event organized by Team Leader Anne Turnbull and Ugochukwu Omeogu for her Max Impact Team with content and intent designed specifically to meet the needs and address the peculiarities of her team. Her journey to creating a Million-Dollar per Month earning team has already begun.

How do I become an Organizer/ Co-Host

In the Wealthinaire Way we preach taking ownership of your success and team success. As an MLM business builder with a growing organization, Ugochukwu Omeogu can work with you to organize and execute a Bespoke Masterclass addressing the needs for you and your organization once you qualify through the application process.

What does it take to personally pull this off for my team? Are All Team Leads in the Wealthinaire Community?

In your network marketing Business, success rises and falls on leadership; Your Leadership. The journey to Wealth Creation through MLM begins with you then your people.

Therefore, to qualify for a private Bespoke Masterclass, you must have begun your personal journey to wealth through the wealthinaire mentorship program. 

Not in the Wealthinaire program?, no problems. Click here to Join a Masterclass. You cannot truly appreciate what you have not experienced, join an upcoming masterclass to gain First hand experience of the impact.

Already attended a Masterclass? Click Here to Apply for Mentorship and organize a bespoke masterclass.

What If I do not have a large team to organize A Bespoke Masterclass?

We often get requests from the Corporate arm of Network Marketing Companies to train their distributors. 

Kindly Check in with your Local Company Corporate for any information on organized training for your company or you can reach us on (Contact No) to confirm any events for your company. Little advice, make sure you get all your teammates into the events!

Alternatively you can pair up with other teams in your line of sponsorship or reach out to your Team leader/corporate management to initiate the process for your team/company.